Monday, November 30, 2009


Like my friend suprg33k I am now on twitter. I will twit everything important and I will use this for long posts or for uploading things but otherwise:

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Here is Dr. Who logo collage:

I got all the logo's so far and put them together, Then I smudged the edges. It makes a good wallpaper.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Dalek Pics

Here are those Dalek Pics I promised:

The wallpaper:

The Sprites:


The Attack:
When you download them the backgrounds on the sprites and the attack should be transparent if your using GIMP. So that you can put in a background easily.

I Love Dr. Who!!!

I have found some funny Youtube Vids for Dr. Who lovers:
Dr who - Weakest link special edition
The dalek song
The Ultimate Dr. Who title mix

Friday, November 20, 2009


I have been working on some Dr Who pics in my fave program (almost) GIMP. I will up load them soon. There are renders desktop wallpapers and just some useful pics.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


K-kash is coming!!! Check out for more details!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hypnotized chooks

Today I hypnotized a chook. Pretty Fun but sometimes freaky when you can't snap them out of the trance.


Yesterday i went bowling. I won with 106 against stephenskaleb, jonnykins, kdelwat, suprg33k and hado. 2 strikes!! Wow!


Monday, November 9, 2009

Cool wallpapers

If you like ubuntu look here:

If you like windows look here:

and If you like mac:

This dude has made some awesome wallpapers. I am using a ubuntu one right now. I will use a template to make my own using my logo. I will then post it. If anyone likes it I can make you a custom wallpaper.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

New Blog

OK so this is my new blog. It is more efficient to use blogspot then to use wordpress. so um yeah. If you wanna read my old blog then the website is: